Thursday 15 December 2022


1) The Color Of Sky Appears Blue Due To - Gases And Particles In Earth's Atmosphere Scatter Sunlight In All Direction 

2) Materials For Rain Proof Coats And Tents Owe Their Water Proof Properties To - Surface Tension 

3) The Unit Of Measurement Of Noise Is - Decibel 

4) A Rocket Works On The Principle Of Conservation Of - Linear Momentum 

5) Sound Travel Fastest In Which Medium - Solids < liquids < gases 

6) Lambert's Law Is Related To - Measure The Concentration Of Chemical Solutions, Analyze Oxidation And Measure Polymer Degradation. 

7) The Final Image In a Simple Microscope Is - Imaginary And Erect 

8) A Radioactive Substance Emits - Alpha Or Beta Rays 

9) In Mirrors The Back Surface Is Coated With a Thin Layer Of - Silver 

10) Stars Appear Twinkling Because Of What Of Light - Refraction 

11) Major Gaseous Pollutant Of The Thermal Power Station Is - Carbon Dioxide 

12) Vinegar Is The Trade Name Of - Acetic Acid ( CH3COOH) 

13) The Chemical Name Of Laughing Gas Is - Nitrous Oxide ( IUPAC Name) N2O 

14) Which Of The Following Is Used To Remove Ink And Rust Stains On Cloth - Oxalic Acid 

15) Hardest Material Is - Diamond 

16) Two Elements Which Can Form a Large Number Of Compounds Are - Carbon - Hydrogen Bond 

17) Brass Is An Alloy Of - Copper And Zinc 


18) Curd Is Soar Due To Presence Of - Lactic Acid 

19) Saccharin Is Made Up Of - 

20) Ripe Grapes Contains - Glucose And Fructose 

21) The Number Of Chambers In a Human Heart Is - 4 Chambered 

( Fish Heart  Has Four Chambered) 

( Frog, Tortoise  Heart Is Three Chambered) 

22) Antibodies Are Mainly Synthesized From - 

23) The Nitrogen In The Ecosystem Is Circulated By - 

24) Which Among The Following Blood Proteins Regulates The Amount Of Water In Plasma - 

25) Which Of The Following Vitamins Is Stored In The Liver - Vitamin A,D,E,K And B12 

26) Vegetables Are Easily Perishable Because Of Their High Content Of - High Moisture ( Presence Of Oxygen 

27) What Are The Green Houses Gas - CO2, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, Water Vapour ) 

28) What Are The Diseases Spread By Virus - Influenza, AIDS, Common Cold, Ebola, Measles, Chickenpox, Shingles, Corona, Genital Herpes. 

29) Who Invented Zica Virus - 

30) Who Discovered  Malaria - Dr. Alphonse Laveran 

Malaria Is Caused By Protozoans 

31) BCG Stands For - Bacille Calmete Guerin ( For TB) 

( Invented By - Albert Calmette And Camille Guerin) 

32) TB Stands For - 

( TB Is Caused By Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) Bacteria 

33) Typhoid Is A Which Type Of Disease - Salmonella Typhi 

34) Cholera Is a Which Type Of Disease - Bacterial Disease ( Vibrio Cholerae) 

35) Expand AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 

( HIV - Human Immune Deficiency Virus) 

( TB - Tuberculosis) 

36) CFC Stands For - Chloro Fluro Carbon 

37) Chlorophyll Contains Which Pigment - Green 

38) What Is Vertebrate - 

39) What Are Diseases Caused By Bacteria - TB, Anthrax, Tetanus, Leptospirosis, Pneumonia, Cholera, Botulism, Pseudomonas Infection 

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