Wednesday 14 December 2022


1) Who Is The Father Of Biology - Aristotle 

2) Who Is The Father Of Botany - Theophrastus 

3) Who Is The Father Of Zoology - ARISTOTLE 

4) Who Is The Father Of Physics - Einstein 

5) Who Is The Father Of Chemistry - 

6) Who Discovered Electron - J J Thomson 

7) What Is The Charge Of Electron - - 1.6X 10^-19 C 

8) What Is The Mass Of Electron - 9.10X 10^ -31 KG 

9) Who Discovered Proton - Ernest Rutherford 

10) What Is The Charge Of Proton - 1.6X10^-19 C 

11) What Is The Mass Of Proton - 1.67X 106-27 KG 

12) Who Discovered Neutron - James Chadwick 

13) What Is The Charge Of Neutron - 

14) What Is The Mass Of Neutron - 1.008 AMU 

15) Who Discovered Penicillin - Alexander 

16) What Is The Unit Of Force In SI Unit - Dyne 

17) Work - Force Applied Over Distance 

18) Energy - Capacity Of Doing Work 

19) Who Discovered The Oxygen - Joseph Priestley, Carl Scheele ( 1771) 

20) What Is The Atomic Number Of Oxygen - 8 

21) Who Discovered Nitrogen - Daniel RUTHERFORD  ( 1772) 

22) Our Earth Contains Oxygen How Much Percentage - 20.78 

23) What Is The Chemical Name Of HCL - Hydrochloric Acid 

24) Acid Turn Blue Litmus Paper To - Red 

25) What Is The Chemical Formula Of Baking Soda - NaHCO3 

26) What Is The Chemical Formula Of Sodium Chloride - Nacl 

27) What Is The Chemical Formula Of Gypsum - CaSO4 2H2O 

28) What Is The Formula Of Plaster Of Paris - CaSO4 

29) Who Discovered Radium - Marie Curie 

30) Name The All Halogen Gas - Helium, Neon, Argon, Radon, Xenon 

31) What Is The Atomic Number Of Chlorine - 17 

32) a Light Year - 3x 10 ^8 

33) What Is The Chemical Name Of Vitamin A - Retinol 

34) What Diseases Caused Due To Deficiency Of Vitamin A - Night Blindness 

35) What Is The Scientific Name Of Vitamin C - Ascorbic Acid 

36) What Is The Scientific Name Of Vitamin D - Calciferol 

37) What Is The Scientific Name Of Vitamin E - Tocopherol 

38) Who Discovered Periodic Table - G J Mendeleev 

39) What Is The Chemical Formula Of Ozone - O3 

40) Which Layer Protect Earth From Ultraviolet Rays - Ozone Layer 

41) What Is The Name Of First Atmospheric Layer Of Earth - Troposphere 

42) In Which Atmospheric Layer Satellite Works - Stratosphere 

43) Which Vitamin Is Essential For Blood Coagulation - Vitamin K 

44) What Is The Chemical Formula Of Acetic Acid - CH3COOH 

45) What Are The Fat Soluble Vitamins - Vitamins ( A,D,E,K) 

46) What Are The Water Soluble Vitamins - Vitamins ( Biotin, Niacin, Pyridine, Thiamine, Vitamin C, Folic Acid, Riboflavin, Vitamin B12, Pantothenic Acid) 

47) DNA Stands For - Dioxy Ribo  Nucleic Acid 

48) By Which Process Tree Makes Its Food - Photosynthesis 

49) Photosynthesis Is How Many Types - Dark And Light 

50) Which Pigment Is Required To Make Food - Green (Chlorophyll) 

51) Study Of Bird - Ornithology 

52) What Is The Function Of Phloem - Transport Carbohydrates From Sources to Sinks Through The Sieve Elements 

53) What Is The Function Of Xylem Tissue - Transport Of Water And Nutrients From The Plant Soil Interface To Stems And Leaves 

54) Function Of Stomata - Regulate Gas Exchange Between The Plant And Environment And Control Of Water loss 


( Exchange The Gases By Closing And Opening Pores Of Leaves) 

( Assists To Eradicating Excess Water Loss ) 

( Removes Oxygen And Takes In Carbon Dioxide At The Time Of Photosynthesis) 

55) Study Of Heart Is Called - Cardiology 

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