Sunday 1 October 2023


1) Members Of Cabinet Mission - 

a) Lord Penthick Lawrence 

b) Sir Stafford Cripps 

c) A V Alexander 

2) For Whom To Protect, The Indian National Congress Gave The Safety Theory SAFETY VALVE THEORY - Lala Lajpat Rai 

3) In Which Edition Of Indian National Congress, Where  Fundamental Rights Resolution Adopted  - Karachi Session in 1931

4) What Were The Causes Of Failure Of 1857 Revolts - 

a) Lack Of Political Skills.

b) Lack Of Mass Supports 

5) A Cook ( Bihari) Who Saved The Life Of Mahatma Gandhi From a Murder Attempt By Food Poisoning In 1917- Batak Mian 

6) Who Organized The Baksat Revolution In Bihar During 1938-39 - Jay Prakash Narayan 

7) Home  Rule - 1916 (c) 

Surat Separation  - 1907 (a) 

Kheda Movement - 1918 (d) 

Minto Morley Reform - 1909 (b) 

8) Lord Lytton Associated With - The Vernacular Press Act And Arms Act 1878 

9) Which Pact Was Signed Post War Of Buxar - The Treaty Of Allahabad In 16th August 1765, Between Mughal Emperor Shah Alam 2 And Robert Clive, East India Company 

10) In Which Year Dutch East India Company Established Their Industry In Patna  - 1632 

11) In Which Movement, Mahatma Gandhi Started HUNGER Strike As Weapon For The First Time - Ahmedabad Strike In 1918 ( Mill Owner) 

12) Which Bihari Freedom Fighter Who Lead Bihar In The Quit India Movement In 1942, Who Is Known As BIHAR KESARI - Shri Krishna Sinha 

13) British Government Took Which Step To Solve Of People Problems In Champaran Movement - Champaran Agrarian Enquiry Committee 

14) BHARAT SEVAK SAMAJ - Founded By Gopal Krishna Gokhle In 12th June 1905 

TATVABODHINI SABHA - Debendra Nath Tagore in 6th October 1839 

AATMIYA SABHA - Raja Ram Mohan Roy In 1815 in Kolkata 

15) Amba Bai, a Freedom Fighter Belongs To Which State - Karnataka 

16) DNA Double Helix Structure Discovered By Whom - James Watson & Francis Crick in 1953 

17) mRNA Stands For - Messenger RNA 

18) How To Generate  AC Current - 

19) In Medical Chemistry Medicines Are Classified On The Basis Of - Molecular Targets 

20) Among These Which Complete The 5G Mobile 

21) Cobra, Java, Python Are The Computer Languages. 

22) In Chat GPT - GPT Stands For - Generative Pre-Trained Transformer 

23) Anorexia - Eating Disorder 

Insomnia - Sleeping Disorder 

dyspnea - Shortness In Breath 

anosmia - Loss Of Sense Of Smell 

24) In Solar System , Pulsar Means - Pulsars Are Rotating Neutron Stars Observed To Have Pulses Of Radiation 

25) In Research Centre, The Developed Diamond Usually Used As LGD - 

26) The Fiber, Is Used To Manufacture Bullet Proof Jacket, Is - Kevlar 

27) HMX Stands For - High Melting Explosives 

28) In October 2022 Tesla Developed a Humanoid Robot, Named - Optimus 

29) People Of Indus Valley Civilization Were Not Known About Which Animal - HORSE 

30) Sikkim Became The Part Of Indian Union in - 16th May 1975 

31) Bihar State Government Resolution Pollution Free state From Carbon Emission Till - 2047 

32) Global Gender Gap Released By Whom - World Economic Forum 

33) Recently Gujarat Organized Def-Expo 2022, The - Atmanirbharata 

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