Sunday 26 November 2023


1) During Swadeshi Movement, Which Of The Following Had Greatest Success ? 

Ans - Boycott Of Foreign Goods 

2) Among The Following Who Was Not A Proponent Of Bhakti Cult ? 

a) Nagarjuna, b) Tukaram  c) Tyagaraja  d) Vallabh Acharya 

Ans - Nagarjuna 

3) Which Was The First Metal Used By Men ? 

Ans - Copper 

4) The Inscription Which Proves Asoka's Sway Over Western India Is - 

Ans- Shahabazgadia Rock Edicts Of Ashoka 

5) Who Among The Following Was Not A Slave Before He Became A King ? 

Ans - Alauddin Khilji 

6) Chronological Order Of Invasion To India Among These - 

a) Mahmud Ghazni 

b) Changez Khan 

c) Nadir Shah 

7) Who Was The First And Last Women Ruler Of Delhi ? 

ANs - Razia Sultan 

8) Rana Kumbha Of Mewar Build The Famous Kirti Stumbh (Tower Of Victory) To Commemorate His Victory Over 

Ans- Malwa (Led By Khilji) 

9) Hampi Is Situated On The Northern Bank Of 

Ans - Tungabhadra River 

10) Which Of The Following Rajput Dynasties Did Not Surrender To Akbar ? 

Ans - Sisodiya Dynasty 

11) The Mansabdri System Introduced By Akbar Was Borrowed From The System In 

Ans - Mangolia 

12) Sikh Guru Arjun Dev Was Killed During Which Reign ? 

Ans - Jahangir 

13) The Distribution Of Powers Between The Centre And The States In The Indian Constitution Is Based On The Scheme Provided In The - 

Ans - Government Of India Act 1935 

14) Which Of The Following Statement Is Not True About The Quit India Movement of 1942 ? 

Ans - It Did Not Attract The Labour Class 

15) In Bengal, The Headquarters Of East India Company Were Located At ? 

Ans - Fort William 

16) The Beginning Of British Political Sway Over India Can Be Traced To The Battle of 

Ans - Battle of Panipath 

17) Write The Correct Chronological Order Of Formation Of The Following ? 

a) Prathana Samaj - 31st January 1867 

Arya SAMAJ - 10th April 1875 

Theosophical Society - 17th November 1875 

Ramakrishna Mission - 1st May 1897 

18) Swaraj As The National Demand Declared First By Whom ? 

ANs - Dadabhai Naoroji (1906 in Calcutta Session) 

19) The Only Annual Session Of The Congress Presides By Mahatma Gandhi Was in ? 

Ans - Belagum, 1925 

20) The Peasants Of Champaran Bound By Law To Grow Indigo On How Much Part Of Their Land ? 

Ans - 3/20th 

21) Who Was The Chairman Of UTKAL MEET Of 1882 ? ANS - Madhusudan Das 

22) Which Was The First State To Be Formed On Linguistics Base ? 

Ans - Odisha 

23) Who Proved That The Reason For Lunar Eclipse Is The Shade Of The Earth ? 

Ans - Aryabhatta 

24) Which Is The Holy Book Of Buddhist Religion ? 

Ans - Tripitaka 

25) The Yogini Temple Of Odisha Has Beautiful Yogini Images Carved From - 

ANS - Black Chlorite Rock 

26) Which Of The Following Winds Blows From Subtropical High Pressure Regions To Equator ? 

Ans - Tropical Easterlies 

27) Durand Line Is Boundary Line Between ? 

Ans - Afghanistan And Pakistan 

28) Which River Flows Between Satpura And Vindhyas ? 

Ans - Narmada 

29) In Which Climatic Region Are Haryana And Punjab Included ? 

Ans - Humid Subtropical, Dry Winter 

30) Where Are Iron Ore Mines Located ? 

Ans - 

31) Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) Is Located At ? 

ANS - Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 

32) The City Of Paris Is Located Near Which River ? 

Ans - Seine River 

33) Which Country Is Known As Eternal City ? 

Ans - Rome, Italy 

34) Which State Is The Largest Producer Of Iron Ore in India ? 

Ans - Odisha 

35) Which Of The Following City In India is Associated With Production of iPhones ? 

Ans - Sripedumbur 

36) The Length Of India's Coastline Is About ? 

Ans - 7500 km 

37) Which Of The Following Latitude Passes Through India ? 

Ans - Tropic Of Cancer 

38) DUNCAN Passage Is Situated Between - 

Ans - South Andaman And Little Andaman 

39) Which Foreign Country Is Closet To Andaman Island ? 

Ans - Myanmar 

40) The Himalayan Mountain System Belongs To Which One of The Following ? 

Ans - Fold Mountain 

41) The Soil Which Is A Mixture Of Sand, Clay And Silt is Known As - 

Ans - Loam 

42) Which One Pair Is Correctly Matches ? 

Ans - Sundari - West Bengal ( Mangrove) 

43) Which Of The Following Is Not A Plantation Crop ? 

Ans - Rubber 

44) Which Of The Following Is The Largest Mustard Oil Growing State ? 

Ans - Rajasthan 

45) Among The Following States, Which One Is The Highest Amount Of Nickel Ore Resources ? 

Ans - Odisha 

46) pangong Lake Is Situated In - 

Ans - Ladakh 

47) USHAKOTHI Is Located In Which District ? 

Ans - Sambalpur 

48) India Shares Longest International Boundary With 

Ans - Bangladesh 

49) Tropic of Cancer Passed Through Which State ? 

Ans - Bihar 

50) Satpura Hills Lie In Which Of The Following States ? 

Ans - Madhya Pradesh 

51) The Largest Delta in The World Is ? 

Ans - Gangetic Delta 

52) The River Mahanadi Rises From Which One Of The Following States ? 

Ans - Madhya Pradesh 

53) Economic Growth Is Said To Be Intensive When ? 

Ans - There Is An Improvement In The Quality Of Goods Produced 

54) Statements True On Planning Year In India 

a) The 2nd 5 Year Plans Emphasised On The Establishment Of Heavy Industries ( True) 

b) The 3rd Year Plan Introduced The Concept Of Import Substitution As a Strategy For Industrialization ( true) 

55) The National Family Health Survey Of India Is Conducted By ? 

Ans - International Institute Of Population Science 

56) Sunshine Countries Refers To Those Countries Which 

Ans - Which Lie Between Tropic of Cancer And Tropic of Capricorn 

57) Which Agency Is Responsible For Estimation Of Poverty in India ? 

Ans - NITI Ayog 

58) Under Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana A Start Up Entrepreneur Will Be Eligible For Which Category Of Loan ? 


59) What' is Yellow Revolution ? 

Ans - Oil Production 

60) Economic Survey in India, Is Published Every Year Officially By Which Organisation ?

Ans - Ministry Of Finance

61) Which One Of The Following Determine Bank Lending Rate ? 

Ans - RBI 

62) Which Of The Following Is Not A Type of Motion Available To Members Of Parliament to Initiate A Discussion  On The Matter Of Public Importance ? 

Ans - 

63) Who Is The Appointing Authority Of State Election Commissioner ? 

Ans - Governor 

64) To Whom Does State Finance Commission Submit Its Report On it's Study About Financial Status Of Panchayat ?

Ans - Governor 

65) Panchayat Is Scheduled Area Are Not Empowered To Regulate Which Of The Following Matters ?

Ans - 

66) Statement Regarding Parliamentary Democracy 

a) Freedom  Of Choice To Elect The Rulers 

b) Freedom Of Speech And Expression 

Ans - 

67) Which Of The Following Writs Secures Personal Freedom ?

Ans - Habeas Corpus 

68) India Opted For a Federal Form Of Government Because Of - 

Ans - Linguistic And Regional Diversity 

69) Indian Constitution Recognise Minorities On The Basis Of - 

Ans - Religion 

70) In Case President Dies While In Office, The Vice President Can Act As President For a Maximum Period Of - 

Ans - 6 Months 

71) Panchayati Raj Is Included In Which List - 

Ans - State List 

72) Who Is The Highest Law Officer Of State ? 

Ans - Advocate General Of State 

73) Directive Principles Of State Policy Of Indian Constitution Is Derived From The Constitution Of Which Country ? 

Ans - Ireland 

74) The Preamble Of Indian Constitution Is Based Objective Resolution Moved By Whom In The Indian Constituent Assembly ? 

Ans - J L Nehru 

75) Who Is The First Vice President Of India ? 

Ans - Dr. S Radhakrishnan 

76) Who Is The Leader Of The House Of Lok Sabha ? 

Ans - Speaker 

77) Which Of The Following State Legislature Is Not Bicameral ? Non Of These 

a) Bihar b) UP C) Karnataka d) None Of These 

( Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Odisha, Telengana, Karnataka, UP And Maharashtra) 

78) What Is The Unit Of Measuring Force ? 

Ans - Newton 

79) How Many UT Are There At Present ? 

Ans - 8 

80) Everybody Continues Its State Of Rest Or Of Uniform Motion Until An External Forces Is Applied This Is Known As - 

Ans - Newton First Law 

81) Why It Is Always Easier To Move a Heavy Object On Rollers Rather Than Slide It ? 

Ans - Rolling Friction Is Always Less Than The Sliding Friction 

82) Who Of The Following Postulated That Mass Can Be Converted Into Energy And Energy Can Be Converted Into Mass ? 

Ans - Einstein 

83) What Is The Value Of g At Surface Of The Earth ( Acceleration Due To Gravity ) ? 

Ans - 9.8 m/sec 

84) Which Among The Following Is a Negativity Charged Particles ? 

Ans - Electron 

85) Fuse Wire In a Circuit Has - 

Ans - High Resistance And Low Melting Point 

86) X-rays Were Discovered By - 

Ans - Rontgen 

87) Which Of The Following Is Used To Measure The Age Of Earth And Old Civilization In Archaeology ? 

Ans - Carbon Dating 

88) Which Of The Following Is Used To Measure Humidity In Air ? 

Ans - Hygrometer 

89) A Sliced Apple, When Exposed To Air, Turns Brown After Some Times As Its Contains  ? 

Ans - 

90) How Many Elements Are There In Nature As Per Latest Periodic Table ? 

Ans- 118 

91) Which Of The Following Is Not An Aluminium Ore ? 

Ans - Haematite 

92) Which Of The Following Is Not True About The Disease Leprosy ? 

Ans - Bacterial Disease ( Not Viral) 

93) According To Earth Day Network, Earth Day Is Dedicated To - 

Ans - Minimise Carbon Emission 

94) Pangolins Are - 

Ans - Scaly Anteaters 

95) The Tissue That Is Involved In The Transport Of Food Materials In Plants Is Called -

Ans - Phloem 

96) The Percentage Of Oxygen In The Exhaled Air Is ? 

Ans - 16 

97) Ebola Disease Is Caused By - Virus 

98) Ct Value In Diagnosis Of SARS COV2 Virus Indicates - 

Ans - Type Of COVID 19 Virus 

99) Which Of The Following Is Not a Source Of Calcium - 

Ans - Brinjal 

100) Which Of The Following Won Nobel Prize For Discovering Covid Vaccine ? 

Ans - Drew Weissman 

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