Monday 4 December 2023


29) When Did Stalin Introduce Third Five Year Plan For USSR ? Ans - 1938 

30) The Triple Entente Partners Were - Ans - France, Great Britain And Russia 

31) Who Was The First General Secretary Of The United Nations ? Ans - Trygve Lie ( 1946-53) 

32) Which Year Was Declared By The UNICEF As International Year Of The Child ? Ans - 1979 

33) Which One Of The Following Was Not a Member Of NATO When It Is Born ? Ans - Finland 

a) Iceland   b) Netherland   c) Finland  d) Luxemburg 

( 12 Countries - Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Nederland, Iceland, Luxemburg, Italy, France, Norway, Portugal, The UK, USA) ESTD IN 4TH April 1949 ( Washington dc) 

34) When Did West Germany Joined NATO ? Ans - 6th May 1955 

35) Which Communist Country Was Not a Member Of The Warsaw Pact When It Is Formed ? Ans - China 

( It Is a Defense Treaty Collectively Started Soviet Union With 7 Soviet Satellite States Including Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania) Albania Quit in 1968

36) The Recall Of Which Negotiator Sent By US To Make Peace Between The Kuomintang And The Communists Concluded The American Attempts At Mediation Between The Two Warring Sides To Form a Coalition Government ? Ans - General George C Marshall 

37) In Which Year Did Japan Establish An Independent State Of Manchukuo In China ? Ans - 15th May 1932 

38) Name The Prime Minister Of Japan Who After The American Evacuation Issued National Income Doubling Proclamation ? Ans - Hayato Ikeda 

39) On The Day Of Proclamation Of People's Republic Of China , What Was The Political Position Of The United State On It ? Ans - 

40) In Which Year The Name GATT Was Changed To WTO Or WTO Replaced GATT As An Organization ? Ans - 1995 

41) Who First Deciphered The Ashokan Inscriptions ? Ans - James Princep 

42) Who Was The First Scholar To Publish Hathigumpha Inscriptions ? Ans - A Sterling In 1825 

43) Varna System Was Mentioned For The First Time In Which Work ? Ans - RIGVEDA 

44) Kalidasa's MALAVIKAGNIMITRA Is Based On Some Events Of The Reign Of - Pushyamitra Sunga 

45) TRIPITAKA Was Written In Which Language ? Ans - PALI Language 

46) The Pre-Historic Age In India Is Divided Into 3 Phases Based On Which Technology ? Ans - Tool Technology 

47) Point Out Which Is Not a Chalcolithic Culture ? 

a) Ahar  b) Malwa   c) Kavatha   d) Burzahom 

48) Which Age Marked The Domestication Of Large Number Of Animals And Plants ? Ans - Mesolithic Period 

49) Which Of The Following Statements Is Not True About Kalibangan ? 

50) Who Conducted Lothal Excavation ? Ans - Dr, S R Rao 

51) Which Was The Lowest Unit Of Rigvedic Polity And Administration ? Ans - Kula 

52) Who Was The Twenty Third TIRTHANKARA Of Jainism ? Ans - PARSVANTHA 

53) MILINDAPANHO Is a Work Associated With Which Religion ? Ans - Buddhism 

54) Which Gupta King Was Known As VIKRAMDITYA ? Ans - Chandragupta II 

55) Which Chola King Had Assumed The Title Of GANGEIKONDA CHOLA ? Ans - Rajendra Chola 1 

56) The Village Assemblies Under The Cholas Were Known As - Ur 

57) Who Laid The Foundation Stone Of The Turkish Rule In India ? Ans - Mohammed Ghori 

58) During Whose Reign The Mongols Invaded Delhi Six Times ? Ans - Alauddin Khilji 

59) Name The Famous Sufi Poet Who Preached Sufi Principles ? Ans - 

60) The Life And Teaching Of Sri Chaitanya Is Written In Which Work ? Ans - CHAITANYA CHARITAMRITA 

61) The Policy Of Suhl-i-kul Introduced By Akbar Meant ? Ans - Peace With All And Malice Against None 

62) Author Of The Book Tabaqat-i-Akbar Is - Ans - Khwaja Nizamuddin Ahmed 

63) Who Was The Chief Architecture Of TAJ MAHAL ? Ans - Ustad Ahmad Lahori 

64) The Mughal Ruler Who Had Appointed Maximum Number Of Hindu Mansabdars Compared To Muslim Was ? Ans - Aurangzeb 

65) In Which Year Bijapur Was Annexed To The Mughal Empire By Aurangzeb ? Ans - 1686 

66) The Chief Village Administrative Officer Among The Marathas Was Known As - Patel 

67) The Black Hole Tragedy Event Was Sensationalized By ? Ans - J Z Holwell 

68) The Princely State Which Was Not Annexed Under The Doctrine Of Lapse In Spite Of Not Having Natural Heir Was ? Ans - Karauli 

69) Who Among The Following Is Not Associated With UTILITARIANISM ? Ans - 

70) The ARYA SAMAJ Movement Believed In - Vedic Ritualism 

71) Which Of The Following Tasks Was The Closets To Heart Of Syed Ahmed Khan ? Ans - Promotion Of Modern Education 

72) The Governor General Who Visited Allahabad To Review The Working Of Mahalwari Land Revenue System Was ? Ans - Lord William Bentinck 

73) The Worrisome Aspect Of The Drain Of Wealth In The Late 19th Century According To Dadabhai Naoroji Was ? Ans - Unrequired Exports 

74) Which Industry Suffered Most Due To De- Industrialization ? Ans - Handicrafts 

75) The Indian National Congress Adopted a Resolution Criticizing The drain Of Wealth Annual Session Held At ? Ans - Surat (1906) 

76) Who Accused Indian National Congress Of Practising Politics Of PRAY Petition And Protest ? Ans - Bal Gangadhar Tilak 

77) Who Among The Following Was Elected By Gandhiji As The First Satyagrahi To Launch The Individual Satyagrahi In October in 1940 ? Ans - Sarojini Naidu 

78) Who Amongst The Following Leaders Held The Post Of President Of Indian National Congress For The Longest Period ? Ans - J L Nehru 

79) In Which Year The Command Of Indian National Army Was Given To Subash Chandra Bose ? Ans - 1943 

80) Which Foreign Journalist Reported About The British Brutality Against Peaceful Satyagrahi At Dharasana Salt Depot During Civil Disobedience Movement ? Ans - Webb Miller 

81) In The 6th Regnal Year Kharavela - Remitted All Taxes 

82) Which Of The Following Statements Is Not Corrected About ANANTAVARMAN Chodagangadeva ? 

83) Which Inscription Reveals That Vishnu a Minister Of The King Anangabhimadeva III Fought a War With The Yavanas And Defeated Him - Ans - Chatesvara Temple Inscription 

84) The Famous Vaishnava Teacher Narahari Tirtha, Disciple Of Ananda Tirtha Acted As a Regent For 12 Years During The Minority Of - Ans - 

85) The First Military Expedition Of Gajapati Kapilendradev Was Conducted Against The Reddies Of Rajahmahendry. In 1448 The Reddies Were Defeated And Their Kingdom Was Annexed To The Gajapati Empire, After Annexation Who Was Appointed By The Emperor As The Governor Of That Province ? Ans - 

86) Gajapati PRATAPRUDRADEBA Lost His Eldest Son Virabhadra During The War With ? Ans - 

The King Of Vijayanagar 

87) The Excavation Conducted At Ganiapali In Padampur Subdivision Of Bargarh District Revealed Two Life Size Images Of [- 

88) The Vaital Temple At Bhubaneswar IS A Unique KHAKHARA Style Temple And The Presiding Deity Of The Shrine Is ? Ans - Chamunda 

89) Which Emperor Of Odisha Dedicated His Empire To The God Parshottam Jagannatha And Acknowledged Him As The Divine Overlord ? Ans - Anangabhimadeva III 

90) FIND 





91) Name The British Commissioner Whose Conciliatory Policy Towards The Rebels Ultimately Led To The Surrendors Of Surendra Sai And His Son In Sambalpur in 1862 ? Ans - Col Forster 

92) What Was The Main Reason For Which Chakra Bisoyi Incited The Kondha Of Ghumsar To Stage An Uprising Against The British Authorities In 1845-47 ? Ans - 

93) The Bamanda Chief  Sudhala Deb Started a Weekly Journal Called The Sambalpur Hitaisini To Foster Nationalistic Agitation In Odisha In Which Year It Started Publishing ? Ans - 13th May 1889 

94) In The Context Of Igniting The National Sentiments Among The Odias, Which Is The Following Is Not a Correct Pairs - 

a) Fakir Mohan Senapati - UTKALA BHUMI 

b) Madhusudan Rao - UTKALA GATHA 

c) Radhanath Rai - BHARAT GITIKA 

d) Gangadhar Meher - UTKALA KRUSHAKA 

95) Name The Leader Who Was Not Thrown Behind The Bar During The Non Cooperative Movement ? 

Ans - 

96) The First Batch Of 21 Volunteers Proceeded From Swaraj Ashram At Cuttack To Inchudi a Small Village On The Balasore Coast On 6th April 1930, to Defy The Salt Laws. Who Was The Leader Of This Event ? Ans - Gopabandhu Chaudhary 

97) The Utkala Women's Conference Held Its First Session At Berhampur On 30th June 1924, Who Were The Founders Of This Women's Association ? Ans - 


99) In The First Congress Ministry ( 1937-39) Which Of The Bill Was Not Passed ? Ans - 

100) Which Of The Following Statements Is Not True About The 2nd Congress Ministry Of Odisha ? ( 1946-50) - 

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