Wednesday 20 December 2023


* Polio Virus Is Caused By Which - Poliomyelitis Bacteria 

* The TB Disease Caused Due To - Bacterium Called Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. 

* The Cholera Caused Due To - Vibrio Cholerae Bacteria 

* The Typhoid Disease Due To - Bacterium Salmonella Typhi 

* Malaria Is Caused By - Plasmodium Parasite 

* Rickets Is Caused By - Vitamin C 

* Night Blindness Is Deficiency Due To - Vitamin A 

* Osteoporosis Cause Due To Deficiency Of - Calcium ( Vitamin D) 

* Beri Beri Caused Due To Deficiency Of - Vitamin B1 ( Also Called As Thiamine) 

* Filaria Caused Due To - Parasite 

* Rabies Disease Caused Due To - Dog Bites ( Lyssaviruses) 

* The Chemical Name Of Washing Soda Is - Sodium Carbonate ( Na2Co3) 

* The Chemical Formula Of Baking Soda Is - NaHo3 ) Sodium Bicarbonate 

* The Chemical Formula Of Methane - CH4 

* The Chemical Formula Of Laughing Gas - N2O 

* The Chemical Formula Of Glucose Is - C6H12O6

* The Chemical Formula Of Fructose Is - 

* The Chemical Formula Of Acetic Acid - CH3COOH 

* The Chemical Formula Of Benzoic Acid Is - C7H6O2

* Who Discovered The Penicillin - Alexander Fleming 

* Who Discovered The TB Vaccine - BCG By Albert Calmette & Camille Guerin 

* BCG Stands For - Bacillus Calmette-Guerin 

* AIDS Stands For - Acquired Immune Deficiency Virus 

* Who Discovered The Lysosome - Christian de Duve 

* Who Discovered The Cell Theory - T Schwann 

* Who Discovered The Cellulose - Anselme Payen 

* Which Gas Is The Responsible Of Photosynthesis - Oxygen 

* What Is Dark Reaction - 

Ans - It Is Also Called Carbon Fixation Reaction. 

- It is a Light Independent Process In Which Sugar Molecules Are Formed From The Carbon Dioxide And Water Molecules. 

* What Is Light Reaction - 

Ans - The First Stage Of Photosynthesis Process In Which Solar Energy Is Converted Into Chemical Energy In The Form Of ATP & NADPH 

* NADPH Stands For - Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate 

* ATP Stands For - Adenosine Triphosphate 

* What Is Hydrophytes - Plants Lives In Water  ( Hydrilla, Valisineria) 

* What Is Xerophytes - Dry Physiologically Dry Habitat( Cactus) ( Grown In Salt) 

* What Is The Function Of Phloem & Xylem - 


- It Transports Photosynthetically Prepared Food Materials From The Leaves To The Storage Organs And Later From Storage Organs To The Growing Regions Of The Plant Body. 


Transport Water From Roots To Stems And Leaves But It Also Transport Nutrients. 

* Who Is The Father Of Biology - Aristotle 

* Who Is The Father Of Botany - Theophrastus 

( His Book - De Historia Plantarum) On Plants 

* Who Is The Father Of Zoology - Aristotle 

* Who Is The Father Of Chemistry - Antonie Lavoisier 

( In India - Prafulla Chandra Ray) 

* Who Is The Father Of Genetics - Gregor John Mendel 

* Who Is The Father Of Modern Chemistry - 

* Who Is The Father Of DNA Fingerprinting In India - Lalji Singh 

( In World  - Sir Alec Jeffreys) 

* Who Invented The Electric Bulb - Thomas Edison 

* Who Invented Microscope  - Hans And Zacharias Jansen 

* Who Invented The Bicycle - Pierre Lallement 

* Who Invented The Bicycle - 

* Who Invented Telescope - Hans Lippershey 

* Who Invented Telephone - Alexander Graham bell 

* Who Invented TV - J L Baird 

* Who Invented Computer - Charles Babbage 

* Who Invented The Air Conditioner - Willis Carrier 

* Who Invented The Xerox Machine - Chestor Carlson 

* Who Invented X Ray - Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen 

* Who Invented The Airplanes - Wright Brothers 

* Who Discovered The BCG Vaccine - 

* Who Discovered The Polio Vaccine - 

* Who Discovered The Tetanus  - Emil Von Behring 

* Who Is The Author Of The Book 

* What Is Nuclear Fission - 

It Is a Reaction In Which The Nucleus Of An Atom Splits Into Two Or More Smaller Nuclei

EX - Uranium Converted TO Neptunium ) 

* What Is The Nuclear Fusion - 

It Is The Chemical Reaction In Which Two Or More Atomic Nuclei  Combine To Form a Single Heavier 

* What Is Chemical Reaction - 

It Is a Process That Occurs When Two Or More Molecules Interacts To Form a New Product 

* What Is Oxidation - 

A Chemical Reaction In Which Oxygen Is Added To Or Hydrogen Is Removed From An Element, Molecule Or a Compound. 

* What Is Redox Reaction - 

Reaction That Involves The Transfer Of Electrons From One Species To Another 

* What Turns Blue Litmus To Red - Acids 

* What Turns Red Litmus To Blue - Sulphur Oxides 

* The PH Value Of Water - Pure Water ( 7) 

* The Ph Value Of Blood - 7.35-7.45 

* The Ph Value Of Urine - 4.5-7.8 

* Who Is The Universal Blood Donor Group - O- 

* Who Is The Universal Recipient Of blood Group - AB+ 

* Kingdom Classification System - 

* Study Of Bird Is Called - Ornithology 

* Study Of Cancer Is Called - Oncology 

* Study Of Skin Called - Dermatology 

* Study Of Fungi Is Called - Mycology 

* Study Of Living Beings Is Called - Biology 

* Study Of Insects Is Called - Entomology 

* Study Of Bee Is Called - Melittology 

* Study Of Algae Is Called - Phycology 

* Study Of  Flower Is Called - Floriculture 

* Study Of Heart - Cardiology 

* Study Of Kidney Is Called - Nephrology 

* Study Of Bone Is Called - Osteology 

* Study Of Eye Is Called - Ophthalmology 

* Study Of Tissue Is Called - Histology 

* Study Of Fossil - Palaeontology 

* Study Of Stars - Astronomy 

* Which Instrument Is Used To Measure Ocean Depth Is - Fathometer 

* Which Instrument Is Used To Measure Atmospheric Pressure - Barometer 

* Which Instrument Is Used To Measure Ozone Layer - Dobson Unit 

* Which Instrument Is Used To Measure Earthquake - Richter Scale 

* Which Instrument Is Used To Measure Wind Speed - Anemometer 

* Which Instrument Is Used To Measure Sound - Decibel 

* Which Instrument Is Used To Measure Temperature - Thermometer 

* 1 Armstrong Is - 1 x 10 6^ -10 meter 

* 1 Light Year - 3x 10^ 8 m 

* 1 Horsepower - 746 Watt 

* 1 Amu - 1.66 x 10^ -27 kg 

* 1 Dyne - 0.00001 Newton 

* 1 Watt - 1 Joule / Second 

* RBC Stands For - Red Blood Corpuscles ( Lymphocytes) 

* WBC Stands For - White Blood Corpuscles ( Leukocytes) 

* What Is Plasma - 92 % Contained Water 

* Vitamin A Is Also Called As - Retinol 

* Vitamin B1 Also Called As - Thiamin 

* Vitamin B2 Is Also Called As - Riboflavin 

* Vitamin B3 Is Also Called As - Niacin 

* Vitamin C Also Called As - Ascorbic Acid 

* Vitamin D Also Called As - Calciferol 

* Vitamin K Also Called As - Phylloquinone 

* What Is The Chemical Formula Of Gypsum - Caso4 2 H2o 

* What Is Borax - Na2 [ B4O5 (OH)4] 8 H2O 

* What Is Chlamydomonas - 

It is a Green Alga, That Is Found In Both Fresh Water And Sea Water. ( It Is Unicellular) 

* Algae Is a - is Photosynthetic plant  ( Multicellular, Nuclecus Contained) 

* Example Of Hydrophobic - 

* Chemical Formula Of Hydrochloric Acid  - HCL 

* Chemical Formula Of Sulphur Dioxide - So2 

* Chemical Formula Of Acetic Acid - CH3COOH 

* Chemical Formula Of Formic Acid - HCOOH 

* Chemical Formula Of Phenyl - C6H5 

* Chemical Formula Of Petrol - 

* Chemical Formula Of Hydrogen Fluoride - HF 

* Suicidal Bag Of Human Body Organelle - Lysosome 

* Power House Of Human Body - Mitochondria 

* Longest Bone In Human Body - Femur 

* Smallest Bone In Human Body - Stapes 

* Study Of Cell- Cell Biology Or Cytology 

* What Is Mitochondria - 

* What Is Plasmodium - Unicellular, Kingdom - Chromista 

* What Is Cellulose - Sugar Chain 

* What Is DNA - Deoxyribonucleic Acid 

* What Is RNA - Ribonucleic Acid 

* What Is mRNA - Messenger RNA 

* What Is Chromosomes - 

* What Is Zygotes - 

* What Is Matter - 

* What Is Atom - A Particle Of Matter That Uniquely Defines a Chemical Element 

* What Is Carboxylic Acid - COOH 

* Unit Of Power Is - Watt 

* Unit Is Weight - Kg 

* Unit Of Force - Newton 

* Unit Of Pressure - Pascal 

* Unit Of Temperature - Kelvin 

* Unit Of Mass- Gram 

* Unit Of Length - meter 

* Scalar Quantity - 

a Quantity That Can Be Defined By Its Magnitude 

* Vector Quantity - Both Magnitude And Direction 


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