Monday 22 January 2024


1) Which Memory Used To Store Data And Instructions Permanently - Secondary Memory 

2) In MS Powerpoint What Contains The Slide Default Setting For Colours, Bullet Types And Graphics - Template 

3) In MS Word, Placing a Large Capital Letter At The Beginning Of a Paragraph Can Be Achieved By Using - Drop cap 

4) What In MS Powerpoint Allows The User To See All The Slides In The Presentation In a Single View - Slide Sorter View 

5) In MS Word The Zoom Is Placed On - View Tab 

6) The Input Device That Can Capture Your Voice Is - Microphone 

7) What Ctrl + S Do In Paint - Save 

8) What Option In View Menu Is Used By The Presenter To Make Notes For Each Slide Which Can Be Used While Presenting - Notes Page 

9) The Run Command Used To Open Calculator Application Is - Calc- 

10) Which Option From The Layout Ribbon Helps To Combine The Contents Of a Selected Adjacent Cells Into a Single Cell - Merge Cell 

11) Which Of The Following Will Help You Ensure That All Tracked Changes Have Been Removed From Your Document - Reviewing Pane 

12) What Is Used As Reference Points For Cross Reference Index And Macros - Bookmark 

13) In MS Office Word Spelling And Grammar Button Is Available In - Review 

14) Ransomware Is An Example What Intentionally Designed To Cause Damage To Computer, Server, Client Or Computer Network - Malware 

15) What Is a Device That Selects Between Several Analog Or Digital Input Signals And Forwards That Selected Input To a Single Output Line - Multiplexer 

16) A Collection Of Related Web Pages Is Known As - Website 

17) Remove Duplicates Option Which Can Be Used To Delete Duplicate Values In The Selected Range Of Cells Is Available Under - Tab In Excel 

18) What Is a Blinking Bar That Indicates The Location Where The Next Character Can Be Typed In - Cursor 

19) What Is The Short Cut Key In Powerpoint To End a Presentation - ESC 

20) Which Feature Of MS Excel Is Used To Automate The Data Entered In a Defined Sequence - Autofill 

21) Which Tab Is Ms Word Contains Commands To Create Envelopes Labels - Mailing 

22) The Two Kinds Of Main Memory In a Computer Are - Primary And Secondary 

23) Which Of These Programs Will You Choose To Write a Letter To Head Of An Institution - or Word Processor 

24) e-mail Stands For - Electronic Mail 

25) The Crime Of Stealing Password Is - Spoofing 

26) VIRUS Stands For - Vital Information Resources Under Siege 

27) WAN Stands For - Wide Area Network 

28) Web Pages Are Written In - HTML 

29) HTML Stands For - Hypertext Markup Language 

30) Unsolicited email Is Called a - Spam 

31) Which Facility Can You Use In MS Word To Merge And Point Multiple Documents - Mail Merge 

32) What Programme Is Used In MS Word To Check The Spelling - Spell Check 

33) Which Among The Following Print Command Should Be Selected To Print First 5 Pages Of Document - Print Preview 

34) What Is The Default Font In MS Excel - Calibri 

35) One Cell Format Can Be Copied To Another Cell By Using - Format Checking 

36) In Excel Each Sheet In a Workbook Is Displayed As - Tab 

37) What Do You Use To Create a Chart In Excel - Data Wizard 

38) In a Spreadsheet Which Button Do You Click To Add Up a Series Of Numbers - Autosum 

39) Which Function Is Use To Display The Current Date And The Time In a Cell - NOW 

40) Which Function Is Used To Join The Two Cells In Excel - Merge And Centre 

41) In Excel Columns Are Labelled As - A1, A2,A3 

42) How Many Sheets Are There By Default When We Create a New Excel File - 3 Worksheets 

43) What Displays Each Slide Of The PPT As a Thumbnail nd Used To Rearrange Them - Slide Sorter 

44) Which Short Cut Keys Used To Exit From The Slide Show - ESC 

45) Which File Formats Can Be Added To PowerPoint Show - JPG, GIF, AUDIO 

46) The Slide That Is Used To Introduce a Topic And Set The Tone For The Presentation Is Called The - Title Slide 

47) What Is The Default Page Set Up Orientation Of Slide In Powerpoint - Landscape 

48) Powerpoint Presentation Are Widely Used As - Projects 

49) What Is The Best Way To Create Another Copy Of Slide - Ctrl + Right Click 

50) Computer Virus Is a - Software 

51) What Is Called Starting Upon a Operating System - Booting 

52) If The Displayed System Time And Date Is Wrong, You Can Reset It By Using - Calender Or Control Panel 

53) Ctrl + P In Excel - Print Preview 

54) Which Of The Following Allow You To Select More Than One Slide In a Presentation - Ctrl + Click 

55) Ctrl + N Is Shortcut Is Used For - Create a New Document 

56) Smallest Unit Of Memory - Byte 



* BOLD - Ctrl + B 

* ITALICS - Ctrl + I 

* Underline - Ctrl + U 

* Word Underline - Ctrl + Shift + W 

* Double Underline - Ctrl + Shift + D 

* Font - Ctrl + Shift + F Or Ctrl + D 

* Hidden - Ctrl+ Shift + H 

* Point Size - Ctrl + Shift + P 

* Change Letter Case - Shift + F3 

* ALL Caps - Ctrl + Shift + A 

* Small Caps - Ctrl + Shift + K 

* Subscript - Ctrl + = 

* Superscript - Ctrl + + 

* Increase Font Size One Value - Ctrl + Shift + > 

* Decrease Font Size One Value - Ctrl + Shift + < 

* Increase By One Point - Ctrl + ] 

* Decrease By One Point - Ctrl + [ 

* Insert Copyrights Symbol - Alt + Ctrl + C 

* Insert Registered Trademark Symbol - Alt + Ctrl + R 

* Insert Trademark Symbol - Alt + Ctrl + T 

* Remove Manual Formatting - Ctrl + Shift + Z Or Ctrl + Spacebar 

* Format Painter - Ctrl + Shift + C 

* Apply Copied Formatting To Text - Ctrl + Shift + V 


* Open Apply Style Task Pane - Ctrl + Shift + S 

* Open Styles Task Pane - Alt + Ctrl + Shift + S 

* Apply The Normal Style - Ctrl + Shift + N 

* Apply The Heading 1 Style - Ctrl + Shift + 1 

* Apply The Heading 2 Style - Ctrl + Shift + 2 

* Apply The Heading 3 Style - Ctrl + Shift + 3 


* Center - Ctrl + E 

* Justify - Ctrl + J 

* Left Align - Ctrl + L 

* Right Align - Ctrl + R 

* Indent From Left - Ctrl + M 

* Decrease Indent From Left - Ctrl + Shift + M 

* Create Hanging Indent - Ctrl + T 

* Decrease Hanging Indent - Ctrl + Shift + T 

* Single Space Lines - Ctrl + 1 

* Double Space Line - Ctrl + 2 

* One And One Half Space Lines - Ctrl + 5 

* Add/Close Space Before Paragraph - Ctrl + Zero 

* Remove Paragraph Formatting - Ctrl + Q 

* Format Painter - Ctrl + Shift + C 

* Apply Copied Formatting To Text - Ctrl + Shift + V 


* Switch To Print Layout View - Alt + Ctrl + P 

* Switch To Outline View - Alt + Ctrl + O 

* Switch To Draft View - Alt + Ctrl + N 

* Promote Paragraph ( Outline) - Alt + Shift + Left Arrow Key 

* Demote Paragraph ( Outline) - Alt + Shift + Right Arrow Key 

* Demote Body Text ( Outline) - Ctrl + Shift + N 

* Split The Document Window, Repeat To Remove - Alt + Ctrl + S 

1) Which Type Of Memory Holds Only The Programme And Data The CPU Is Presently Processing - RAM (Random Access Memory) 

2) CAPTCHA Is a Computer Program To - To Distinguish Human Input From Machine Input 

3) Father Of Super Computer - Seymour Cray 

4) Integrated Circuits Are Used In Which Generation - Third Generation 

5) Third Generation Computers Are From - 1965-71

6) Which Key On a Window Keyboard Sets To Full Screen Mode In Most Browsers - F11 

7) MS Office Is a - Application Software 

8) What Is Cache Memory - RAM 

9) Which Of The Following Does Computing In a Personal Computer - CPU 

10) 1 Gigabyte - 1024 MB 

11) TCP Stands For - Transmission Control Protocol 

12) Remove Gap Between Lines -{ CTRL + 1 }

13) Centre Alignment - CTRL + E 

14) Increase Font Size - CTRL + ]

15) Hanging Indent (One Line Fix) -  CTRL + T 

16) Hyperlink - CTRL + K 

17) Subscript - CTRL + =

18) Superscript - CTRL + SHIFT + = 

19) To Go To End Of Page - CTRL + END 

20) To Apply Change Case - SHIFT + F3

21) Print Preview - CTRL + F2 

22) To Repeat Last Action - F4 

23) To Go To Beginning Of Page - CTRL + HOME 

24) Delete One Word To The Right - CTRL + DELETE 

25) To Decrease The Size Of The Font - CTRL + [ 

26) Spacing Between Paragraph - CTRL + 0 

27) 1.5 Gap Between Lines - CTRL + 5 

28) Left Alignment - CTRL + L 

29) Find And Replace Dialogue Box -  f5 & CTRL + H 

30) To Apply Line Break - SHIFT + ENTER 

31) Minimize All Window - WINDOW + M 

32) To Select a Paragraph - Triple Click 

33) Select Line From Current Position To End - SHIFT + END 

34) Format Copy - CTRL + SHIFT + C 

35) Pre Format Bullet Style - CTRL + SHIFT + L 

36) Shift Cursor One Word Right - CTRL + RIGHT ARROW 

37) Copyright Symbol - CTRL + ALT + C 

38) Open Dialog Box - CTRL + V & CTRL + F12 

39) Text Size Increases - CTRL + SHIFT + >

40) Clear The Paragraph Indent - CTRL + Q 

41) Show Current Time - SHIFT + ALT + T 

42) Format Paste - CTRL + SHIFT + V 

43) Switch To Printing Layout View - ALT + CTRL + P 

44) Line Break - Shift + Enter 

45) Insert a New Slide - CTRL + M 

46) Duplicate Current Slide - CTRL + D 

47) View Slide Show - F5 

48) End Slide Show - ESC 

49) Change Pointer Into Pen In Slide Show - CTRL + P 

50)  Hide The Pointer In Slide Show - CTRL + H 

51) Go To Particular Slide In Power Point - SLIDE NUMBER + ENTER 

52) Insert a Picture - ALT + N , P 

53) Insert a Shape - ALT + H ,S 

54) Go To Design Tab - ALT + G 

55) Go To Transition Tab - ALT + K 

56) Go To View Tab - ALT + W 

57) Go To Help Tab - ALT + Y 

58) To Edit Selected Cell - F2 

59) To Create Chart - F11 

60) To Open The Format Cell Window - CTRL + 1 

61) To Strikethrough The Selected Section - CTRL + 5 

62) To Switch Between Two Opened Work Books - CTRL + F6 

63) To Add a New Work Sheet - ALT + SHIFT + F1 

64) Create Table - CTRL + T 

65) Fill Right - CTRL + R 

66) Spell Check Of Selected Text - F7 

67) Go To Specific Cell - F5 

68) Insert Command - SHIFT + F2 

69) Insert a New Work Sheet - ALT + SHIFT + F1 & SHIFT + F11 

70) Hide The Selected Row - CTRL + 9 

71) Wrap Text Inside Cell - ALT + ENTER 

72) Insert Time - CTRL + SHIFT + ;

73) Filter - CTRL + SHIFT + L 

74) Insert Date - CTRL + ;

75) Insert Row / Column - CTRL + SHIFT + = 

76) Delete Row/ Column - CTRL + - 

77) Minimize Excel Window - CTRL + F9 

78) To Search File/ Folder - F3 

79) To Open Task Manager - CTRL + SHIFT + ESC 

80) To Activate Start Menu Bar - CTRL + ESC 

81) To Display Top Of Window - HOME 

82) To Display Desktop - Window Button + D 

83) To Open Window Help - Window + F1 

84) To Lock The Window - Window + L 

85) Maximize The Document Window - CTRL + F10 

86) Paste - CTRL + V 

87) Undo - CTRL + Z 

88) Redo - CTRL + Y 

89) Close All Window - ALT + F4 

90) Select All Text - CTRL + A 



TCP - Transmission Control Protocol 

FTP - File Transfer Protocol 

TFTP - Trivial File Transfer Protocol 

SFTP - Secure File Transfer Protocol 

SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol 

HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol 

HTTPS - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure 

UDP - User Data Protocol 

ARP - Address Resolution Protocol 

Tel Net - Telecommunication Networking 

PCB - Printer Secure Board 

SRAM - Static Ram 

DRAM - Dynamic Ram 

PROM - Programmable Read Only Memory 

EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory 

EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory 

HDD - Hard Disc Drive 

FDD - Floppy Disc Drive 

CD - Compact Disc 

DVD - Digital Video / Versatile Disc 

POP3 - Post Office Protocol Version 3 

BGP - Border Gateway Protocol 

P2P -Point To Point Protocol 

PPP - Peer To Peer Protocol 

IP - Internet Protocol 

ANSI - American National Standard Institute 

BASIC - Beginners All Purpose Symbolic 

BIOS - Basic  Input Out Put System 

BPS - Bit Per Second 

BRD - Blue Ray Disc 

DNS - Domain Name Server 

EDI - Electronic Data Interchange 

URL - Uniform Resource Locator 

GIF - Graphics Interchange Format 

ASCII - American Standard Code For International 

ASP - Active Server Pages 

BCC - Blind Carbon Copy 

GSM - Global System For Mobile Communication 

CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Semi Conductor 

GPS - Global Positioning System 

GUI - Graphical User Interface 

HDMI - High Definition Multimedia Interface 

GIGO - Garbage In Garbage Out 

LIFO - Last In First Out 

FIFO - First In First Out 

NIC - Network Interface Controller / Cord 

HDTV - High Definition Television 

ISP - Internet Service Provider 

JPEG - Joint Picture Expert Group 

LCD - Liquid Crystal Display 

LED - Light Emitting Diode 

TFT - Thin Film Transistor 

CRT - Cathode Ray Tube 

MIDI - Musical Instrument Digital Interface 

MPEG - Moving Picture Expert Group

PDA - Personal Digital Assistants

PDF - Portable Document Formats 

SQL - Structured Query Language 

USB - Universal Serial Bus 

VIRUS - Vital Information Resource Under Seize 

VOIP - Voice Over Internet Protocol 

WIFI - Wireless Fidelity 

ADSL - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 

API - Application Program Interface 

DPI - Dots Per Inch 

DSL - Digital Subscriber Line 

FAT - File Allocation Table 

TIPS - Trillion Instruction Per Second 

NAT - Network Address Translation 

IMAP - Internet Message Access Protocol 

ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network 

ISO - International Standard Organisation 

DHTML - Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language 

MAC - Media Access Control 

CAN - Campus Area Network 

PAN - Personal Area Network 

SAN - Storage Area Network 

IPV4 - Internet Protocol Version 4 

IPV6 - Internet Protocol Version 6 

DBMS - Data Base Management System 

MODEM - Modulator Demodulator 

RAM - Random Access Memory 

ROM - Read Only Memory 

SMPS - Switch Mode Power Supply 

OMR - Optical Mark Reader /Recognition 

OCR - Optical Character Reader / Recognition 

BCR - Bar Code Reader 

MICR - Magnetic Ink Character Reader / Recognition 

HVD - Holographic Versatile Disc 





*) SAVE AS - F12 



*) HELP  - F1 








*) Insert Table - CTRL + T 

*) Toggle Auto Filter - CTRL + SHIFT + L 

*) Activate Filter - ALT + DOWN ARROW KEY 

*) Select Table Row - Shift + Spacebar 

*) Select Table Column  - CTRL + Spacebar 

*) Select Entire Table - CTRL + A 

*) Clear Slicer Filter - ALT + C 

*) Toggle Table Total Row - CTRL + SHIFT + T 


*) Apply General Format - CTRL + SHIFT + - 

*) Apply Currency Format - CTRL+ SHIFT + $ 

*) APPLY Percentage Format - CTRL + SHIFT + % 


*) Apply Date Format - CTRL + SHIFT + # 

*) Apply Time Format - CTRL + SHIFT + @ 

*) Apply Number Format - CTRL + SHIFT + ! 


*) Cut - CTRL + X 

*) Copy - CTRL + C 

*) Paste - CTRL + V 

*) Undo - CTRL + Z 

*) Redo - CTRL + Y 

*) Find - CTRL + F 

*) Replace - CTRL + H 

*) EDIT Active Cell - F2 

*) Clear All Cell Contents - Delete 


*) Select Entire Pivot Table - CTRL + A 

*) Toggle Pivot Table Field Check Box - SPACE 

*) Group Pivot Table Items - ALT + SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW KEY 

*) Ungroup Pivot Table Items  - ALT + SHIFT + LEFT ARROW KEY 

*) Hide Pivot Table Item - CTRL + V 

*) Create Pivot Chart On Existing Work Sheet - ALT + F1 

*) Create Pivot Chart On New Worksheet - F11 

*) Open Pivot Table Wizard - ALT + D + P 


*) Move Between Cells - All Arrow Keys 

*) Move One Cell Right - TAB 

*) Move One Cell Left - Shift + TAB 

*) Move One Cell Up -- SHIFT + ENTER 

*) Move One Cell Down - CTRL + W 

*) Move Down One Screen - PAGE DOWN 

*) GO TO First Cell Of A Active Row - HOME 

*) Enable End Mode - END 

*) Move To Cell A1 - CTRL + HOME 

*) Move To Last CELL - CTRL + END 


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